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After an unsuccessful bunion surgery, I have lived with daily foot pain and an uneven gait. At one point I was hospitalized for a week because of pain radiating up my body from my foot. The weekend before I bought my Z-CoiL shoes, I was told by a chiropractor that I should "apply for disability" because of the pain I was suffering.

I put on the Z-CoiL shoes and walked across the store. My family told me that they could see the difference in my face as I walked without pain.

All the other shoes in my closet now gather dust - I only wear Z-CoiL. I'll be buying a pair of tennis shoes when the warm weather arrives in Iowa.

I tell as many people as I can about the difference Z-CoiL shoes have made in my life. I've run out of brochures and business cards to give to people - send me more!


Traer,  IA   USA

I am writing to express my delight with my Sidewinder sandals. It is such a joy to be able to stand for long periods of time and to walk effortlessly as long as I please without pain or fatigue. I also find that at age 73, hip and back discomfort has lessened due, I believe, to the improvement in my posture. I am more erect and in general have MORE BOUNCE TO THE OUNCE!

The customer service at Total Relief Footwear in Austin is outstanding, and I am very impressed with the expertise and professionalism with which my clogs were fitted to accommodate my particular problem, i.e., hammertoes and a bunion.

I am an ardent fan of Z-CoiL shoes. They certainly work for me.


Austin,  TX   United States

I have bunions and Im saving up for surgery. Before I bought a pair of Z-CoiL shoes, just going to do some grocery shopping made me limp badly, and I was in so much pain. But after I bought my Z-CoiL shoes, I have no more pain! I can walk anywhere for as long as Id like. Thank you!

New Braunfels,  TX   USA

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